* Inheritance: yes
* Variants: no
Fields Summary:
- pageLimit [numeric]
- defaultOrderByInheritance [select]
- defaultOrderBy [fieldcollections]
- orderByAsc [indexFieldSelectionField]
- orderByDesc [indexFieldSelectionField]
- ajaxReload [checkbox]
- infiniteScroll [checkbox]
- limitOnFirstLoad [numeric]
- conditionsInheritance [select]
- conditions [fieldcollections]
- filtersInheritance [select]
- filters [fieldcollections]
- crossSellingCategory [manyToOneRelation]
- similarityFieldsInheritance [select]
- similarityFields [fieldcollections]
return Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition::__set_state(array(
'id' => 'EF_FD',
'name' => 'FilterDefinition',
'description' => '',
'creationDate' => NULL,
'modificationDate' => 1647591790,
'userOwner' => NULL,
'userModification' => 2,
'parentClass' => '\\Pimcore\\Bundle\\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\\Model\\AbstractFilterDefinition',
'implementsInterfaces' => '',
'listingParentClass' => '',
'useTraits' => '',
'listingUseTraits' => '',
'encryption' => false,
'encryptedTables' =>
array (
'allowInherit' => true,
'allowVariants' => false,
'showVariants' => false,
'fieldDefinitions' =>
array (
'layoutDefinitions' =>
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'layout' => NULL,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'pimcore_root',
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0 =>
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'collapsible' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => '',
'datatype' => 'layout',
'permissions' => '',
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'panel',
'layout' => '',
'border' => false,
'name' => 'General',
'type' => '',
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'width' => NULL,
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'collapsible' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => 'border: none !important',
'datatype' => 'layout',
'permissions' => '',
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'text',
'html' => 'Filter Definitions configure appearance and behavior of product lists in the frontend. Not all options are considered in the frontend by default. The frontend implementation might need take care of them explicitly. ',
'renderingClass' => NULL,
'renderingData' => NULL,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'Layout',
'type' => NULL,
'region' => NULL,
'title' => '',
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'bodyStyle' => 'padding: 10px; background-color: #d9edf7; border-color: #bce8f1 !important; color: #31708f;',
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'permissions' => NULL,
'childs' =>
array (
'locked' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
1 =>
'fieldtype' => 'fieldset',
'name' => 'Default Product List Options',
'type' => NULL,
'region' => NULL,
'title' => 'Default Product List Options',
'width' => NULL,
'height' => NULL,
'collapsible' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => '',
'datatype' => 'layout',
'permissions' => NULL,
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'text',
'html' => '<font size="2">These options are considered by default with the ecommerce framework when setting up the product list. </font>',
'renderingClass' => NULL,
'renderingData' => NULL,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'Layout',
'type' => NULL,
'region' => NULL,
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'childs' =>
array (
'locked' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
1 =>
'fieldtype' => 'numeric',
'width' => 300,
'defaultValue' => NULL,
'integer' => false,
'unsigned' => false,
'minValue' => NULL,
'maxValue' => NULL,
'unique' => NULL,
'decimalSize' => NULL,
'decimalPrecision' => NULL,
'name' => 'pageLimit',
'title' => 'Results per Page',
'tooltip' => '',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => '',
'datatype' => 'data',
'relationType' => false,
'invisible' => false,
'visibleGridView' => false,
'visibleSearch' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
2 =>
'fieldtype' => 'select',
'options' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'key' => 'Yes',
'value' => 'true',
1 =>
array (
'key' => 'No',
'value' => 'false',
'width' => 300,
'defaultValue' => '',
'optionsProviderClass' => NULL,
'optionsProviderData' => NULL,
'columnLength' => 190,
'dynamicOptions' => false,
'name' => 'defaultOrderByInheritance',
'title' => 'inherit Default OrderBy',
'tooltip' => 'When set to yes, options are taken from a parent filter definition object (if available) .',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => '',
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'visibleSearch' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
3 =>
'fieldtype' => 'fieldcollections',
'allowedTypes' =>
array (
0 => 'OrderByFields',
'lazyLoading' => false,
'maxItems' => 5,
'disallowAddRemove' => false,
'disallowReorder' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'collapsible' => false,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'defaultOrderBy',
'title' => 'Default OrderBy',
'tooltip' => '',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => '',
'datatype' => 'data',
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'visibleGridView' => false,
'visibleSearch' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'locked' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'labelWidth' => 150,
'labelAlign' => 'left',
2 =>
'fieldtype' => 'fieldset',
'name' => 'Order By Options',
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'title' => 'Order By Options',
'width' => NULL,
'height' => NULL,
'collapsible' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => '',
'datatype' => 'layout',
'permissions' => NULL,
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'text',
'html' => 'Set possible order by options for frontend. This needs to be implemented in the frontend too. ',
'renderingClass' => NULL,
'renderingData' => NULL,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'Layout',
'type' => NULL,
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1 =>
'fieldtype' => 'indexFieldSelectionField',
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'considerTenants' => true,
'width' => '',
'height' => '',
'maxLength' => NULL,
'showCharCount' => NULL,
'excludeFromSearchIndex' => false,
'name' => 'orderByAsc',
'title' => 'OrderBy',
'tooltip' => '',
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'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => NULL,
'datatype' => 'data',
'relationType' => false,
'invisible' => false,
'visibleGridView' => false,
'visibleSearch' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
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2 =>
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'showAllFields' => false,
'considerTenants' => true,
'width' => '',
'height' => '',
'maxLength' => NULL,
'showCharCount' => NULL,
'excludeFromSearchIndex' => false,
'name' => 'orderByDesc',
'title' => 'OrderBy Descending',
'tooltip' => '',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => NULL,
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'visibleSearch' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
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'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
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'labelAlign' => 'left',
3 =>
'fieldtype' => 'fieldset',
'name' => 'Additional Options',
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'title' => 'Additional Options',
'width' => NULL,
'height' => NULL,
'collapsible' => true,
'collapsed' => true,
'bodyStyle' => '',
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'permissions' => NULL,
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'text',
'html' => 'Place where optional additional settings can go. <div>These settings need to be taken care about by the implementation. They are not considered by the framework by default. </div>',
'renderingClass' => NULL,
'renderingData' => NULL,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'Layout',
'type' => NULL,
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1 =>
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2 =>
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'index' => false,
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'visibleGridView' => false,
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'blockedVarsForExport' =>
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3 =>
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'integer' => false,
'unsigned' => false,
'minValue' => NULL,
'maxValue' => NULL,
'unique' => NULL,
'decimalSize' => NULL,
'decimalPrecision' => NULL,
'name' => 'limitOnFirstLoad',
'title' => 'Limit on First Load',
'tooltip' => '',
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'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
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'blockedVarsForExport' =>
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'labelWidth' => 100,
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1 =>
'fieldtype' => 'panel',
'layout' => '',
'border' => false,
'name' => 'Preconditions',
'type' => '',
'region' => '',
'title' => 'Preconditions',
'width' => NULL,
'height' => NULL,
'collapsible' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => 'border: none !important',
'datatype' => 'layout',
'permissions' => '',
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'text',
'html' => 'Preconditions are applied to the product list without being shown at the filters list in the frontend. Therefore preconditions cannot be changed by the user in the frontend.<div>In order to filter for specific value use the pre select attribute in the entries. </div>',
'renderingClass' => '',
'renderingData' => '',
'border' => false,
'name' => 'Layout',
'type' => NULL,
'region' => NULL,
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'childs' =>
array (
'locked' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
1 =>
'fieldtype' => 'select',
'options' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'key' => 'Yes',
'value' => 'true',
1 =>
array (
'key' => 'No',
'value' => 'false',
'width' => 300,
'defaultValue' => '',
'optionsProviderClass' => '',
'optionsProviderData' => '',
'columnLength' => 190,
'dynamicOptions' => false,
'name' => 'conditionsInheritance',
'title' => 'inherit Conditions',
'tooltip' => 'When set to yes, options are taken from a parent filter definition object (if available) .',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => '',
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'visibleSearch' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
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2 =>
'fieldtype' => 'fieldcollections',
'allowedTypes' =>
array (
0 => 'FilterSelectFromMultiSelect',
1 => 'FilterCategoryMultiselect',
2 => 'FilterCategory',
3 => 'FilterMultiRelation',
4 => 'FilterMultiSelect',
5 => 'FilterMultiSelectFromMultiSelect',
6 => 'FilterNumberRange',
7 => 'FilterNumberRangeSelection',
8 => 'FilterRelation',
9 => 'FilterSelect',
'lazyLoading' => false,
'maxItems' => '',
'disallowAddRemove' => false,
'disallowReorder' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'collapsible' => false,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'conditions',
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'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
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'blockedVarsForExport' =>
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'labelWidth' => 150,
'labelAlign' => 'left',
2 =>
'fieldtype' => 'panel',
'layout' => '',
'border' => false,
'name' => 'Filters',
'type' => '',
'region' => '',
'title' => 'Filters',
'width' => NULL,
'height' => NULL,
'collapsible' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => 'border: none !important',
'datatype' => 'layout',
'permissions' => '',
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'text',
'html' => 'Filters are - if implemented in the frontend - visible to the user and apply filters to the product list. ',
'renderingClass' => NULL,
'renderingData' => NULL,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'Layout',
'type' => NULL,
'region' => NULL,
'title' => '',
'width' => NULL,
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'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => 'padding: 10px; background-color: #d9edf7; border-color: #bce8f1 !important; color: #31708f;',
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'childs' =>
array (
'locked' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
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1 =>
'fieldtype' => 'select',
'options' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'key' => 'Yes',
'value' => 'true',
1 =>
array (
'key' => 'No',
'value' => 'false',
'width' => 300,
'defaultValue' => '',
'optionsProviderClass' => NULL,
'optionsProviderData' => NULL,
'columnLength' => 190,
'dynamicOptions' => false,
'name' => 'filtersInheritance',
'title' => 'inherit Filters',
'tooltip' => 'When set to yes, options are taken from a parent filter definition object (if available) .',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => '',
'datatype' => 'data',
'relationType' => false,
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'visibleSearch' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
2 =>
'fieldtype' => 'fieldcollections',
'allowedTypes' =>
array (
0 => 'FilterCategory',
1 => 'FilterMultiRelation',
2 => 'FilterMultiSelect',
3 => 'FilterMultiSelectFromMultiSelect',
4 => 'FilterNumberRange',
5 => 'FilterNumberRangeSelection',
6 => 'FilterRelation',
7 => 'FilterSelect',
8 => 'FilterSelectFromMultiSelect',
9 => 'FilterInputfield',
'lazyLoading' => false,
'maxItems' => 10,
'disallowAddRemove' => false,
'disallowReorder' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'collapsible' => false,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'filters',
'title' => 'Filters',
'tooltip' => '',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => '',
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'visibleSearch' => false,
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'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'icon' => NULL,
'labelWidth' => 150,
'labelAlign' => 'left',
3 =>
'fieldtype' => 'panel',
'layout' => '',
'border' => false,
'name' => 'Recommendations',
'type' => '',
'region' => '',
'title' => 'Recommendations',
'width' => NULL,
'height' => NULL,
'collapsible' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => 'border: none !important',
'datatype' => 'layout',
'permissions' => '',
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'text',
'html' => 'Settings for similarity calculation. These options are optional and need to be explicitly considered by the frontent implementation. ',
'renderingClass' => NULL,
'renderingData' => NULL,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'Layout',
'type' => NULL,
'region' => NULL,
'title' => '',
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1 =>
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'documentTypes' =>
array (
'classes' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'classes' => 'ProductCategory',
'pathFormatterClass' => NULL,
'name' => 'crossSellingCategory',
'title' => 'Base category for recommendations',
'tooltip' => '',
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2 =>
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'name' => 'Layout',
'type' => '',
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'bodyStyle' => '',
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'permissions' => '',
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0 =>
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0 =>
array (
'key' => 'Yes',
'value' => 'true',
1 =>
array (
'key' => 'No',
'value' => 'false',
'width' => 300,
'defaultValue' => '',
'optionsProviderClass' => NULL,
'optionsProviderData' => NULL,
'columnLength' => 190,
'dynamicOptions' => false,
'name' => 'similarityFieldsInheritance',
'title' => 'inherit SimilarityFields',
'tooltip' => 'When set to yes, options are taken from a parent filter definition object (if available) .',
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'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
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1 =>
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0 => 'SimilarityField',
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'collapsed' => false,
'collapsible' => false,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'similarityFields',
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